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Pattern Po-Eun

Movements: 36

Ki-Haps: 1 & 36



PO-EUN is the pseudonym of the loyal subject Chong-Mong Chu (14th Century AD) who was a famous poet and whose poem ?I would not serve a second master though I might be crucified a hundred times? is known to every Korean. He was also a pioneer in the field of Physics. The diagram of this pattern represents his unerring loyalty to king and country at the end of the Koryo dynasty.

Parallel stance with Heaven hand toward D.

1. Move the left foot to B, forming a right L-stance toward B while executing a middle guarding block toward B.

2. Pull the right foot to the left knee, to form a left one leg stance toward D, while lifting both fists turning to face toward A.

3. Execute a pressing kick to A with the right foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 2, while maintaining a left one leg stance toward D. Perform 3 through 11 in a fast motion.

4. Lower the right foot to A to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a right knife-hand strike to A.

5. Execute an angle punch with the left fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

6. Execute a pressing block with the left fore fist while executing a middle side front block with the right inner forearm, maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

7. Execute a pressing block with the right fore fist and a middle side front block with the left inner forearm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

8. Execute an inner forearm wedging block while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

9. Thrust to C with the right back elbow, supporting the right fore fist with the left palm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

10. Execute a right middle punch to D, slipping the left palm to the right elbow while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

11. Thrust to C with the left back elbow, supporting the left fore fist with the right palm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

12. Execute a right horizontal punch to A while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

13. Cross the left foot over the right foot forming a right X-stance toward D while executing a low front block to D with the right outer forearm and bring the left finger belly on the right under forearm.

14. Move the right foot to A, forming a let L-stance toward A, while executing a U-shape grasp to A.

15. Bring the left foot to the right foot forming a close stance toward D while thrusting with a twin horizontal elbow, turning the head toward B. Perform in slow motion.

16. Move the left foot to B to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a side back strike to C with the right back fist and extending the left arm to the side downward.

17. Cross the right foot over the left foot forming a left X-stance toward D while executing a low front block with the left outer forearm and bringing the right finger belly to the left side fist.

18. Move the left foot to B to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a low guarding block to B with a reverse knife-hand.

19. Execute a middle guarding block to A while forming a left L-stance toward A, pivoting with the left foot.

20. Pull the left foot to the right knee, forming a right one-leg stance toward D while executing an upward punch to A with the right fist, turning the head toward B.

21. Execute a pressing kick to B with the left foot, keeping the position of the hands as they were in 20 while maintaining a right one-leg stance toward D. Perform 21 through 29 in a fast motion.

22. Lower the left foot to B to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a left knife-hand strike to B.

23. Execute an angle punch with the right fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D

24. Execute a pressing block with the right fore fist and a middle side front block with the left inner forearm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

25. Execute a pressing block with the left fore fist and a middle side front block with the right inner forearm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

26. Execute an inner forearm wedging block while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

27. Thrust to C with the left back elbow, supporting the left fore fist with the right palm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

28. Execute a left middle punch to D, slipping the right palm to the left elbow while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

29. Thrust to C with the right back elbow, supporting the right fore fist with the left palm while maintaining a sitting stance toward D

30. Execute a horizontal punch to B with the left fist while maintaining a sitting stance toward D.

31. Cross the right foot over the left foot, forming a left X-stance toward D while executing a low front block with the left outer forearm and bringing the right finger belly on the left under forearm.

32. Move the left foot to B, forming a right L-stance toward B while executing a U-shape grasp to B.

33. Bring the right foot to the left foot forming a close stance toward D while executing a twin side elbow thrust, turning the head toward A. Perform is a slow motion.

34. Move the right foot to A to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a side back strike to C with the let back fist and extending the right arm to the side-downward.

35. Cross the left foot over the right foot forming a right X-stance toward D while executing a low front block with the right outer forearm and bringing the left finger belly to the right side fist.

36. Move the right foot to A to form a sitting stance toward D while executing a low guarding block to A with a reverse knife-hand.

END: Bring the left foot back to a ready position.

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