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9th Gup Testing Requirements (16 Classes minimum)
9th Gup Testing Requirements (16 Classes minimum)
Basics (yellow stripe)
- Low Block
- Front Kick
- High Block
- Side Kick
- Side Chop
- Sitting Stance Punch
Self Defense (blue stripe)
- Perform choke hold release
Physical Requirements (red stripe)
- 10 push-ups
- 10 crunches
- 10 jumping jacks
Patterns (black stripe)
- Saju
Knowledge (green stripe)
- Count to 10 in Korean
- Meaning of TaeKwon-Do
- Use of basic techniques
- Meaning of Saju
- Founder of TaeKwon-Do
- Year TaeKwon-Do was founded
Free Sparring
- Not required at this time
- Board Breaking
- Not required at this time
The following will be used to show that the student is able to perform the task for each stripe:
Yellow Stripe - Able to perform all basics listed for new rank
Green Stripe - Able to show knowledge needed for new rank
Blue Stripe - Able to perform required self defense techniques for new rank
Red Stripe - Able to perform all physical fitness requirements for new rank
Black Stripe - Able to demonstrate pattern for new rank
2nd Black Stripe - Able to demonstrate all areas from previous testings as well as required attendance for new rank
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