Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the founder of TaeKwon-Do? General Choi
When was TaeKwon-Do founded? April 11, 1955
What is the purpose of free sparring? Reflex reaction training
What are the bars on the Korean Flag called? Gye Bars
What are the colors on the Korean Flag? Um (red) and Yang (blue)
What does I.T.F. stand for? International TaeKwon-Do Federation (the governing body of Taekwon-Do)
What are the meanings of the patterns about? Great people and places in Korean history
What does Taekwon-Do mean? Feet, Hands and Knowledge
What are patterns? A series of offensive and defensive movements performed against imaginary targets to a set form.
What is a gup? Color belt rank
What is a Dan? Degrees of Black Belt
How do you say "Thank You" in Korean? Kamsahamnida
When was the I.T.F. created? March 22, 1966
Who is Duk Sung Son? The person who also took credit for the name of TaeKwon-Do (12/19/1955)
What styles merged to create Taekwon-Do? Chung Do Kwon, Moo Duk Kwan, Yun Moo Kwon and Oh Do Kwon
What is our style of patterns called? Chang Hyung Style.